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6 Easy Ways to Teach Kids about Money Now


Do you want your kids to learn more about money? Teaching children the basics of finance can be essential for helping them become financially responsible adults.

By equipping them with knowledge and practical skills, such as budgeting and investing, your kids will be better prepared for their future financial decisions.

In this blog post, we’ll cover five key tips that you can use to teach your kids about money and help cultivate good financial habits from an early age.

If there was ever a time to emphasize the responsibility of us adults to teach financial responsibility (or to learn ourselves for that matter) to our children, it is now.

Teaching Kids about Money Activities

Teaching kids about money goes far beyond simple math concepts. Teaching kids about money is a life skill. I am a firm believer in the fact that young children have the capability to learn and understand big concepts like money. Make it concrete. Make it authentic.

Smiling girl and boy staring at a piggy bank

Teach Kids about Money – Ideas to Get You Started

  1. Use technology & in the digital age – Technology offers the opportunity to access children in ways that were far more difficult in the past, drilling in on important topics. Financial responsibility is far more effective than ever before simply because technology engages them whether we like it or not.  
  2. Use books to teach about money. There are loads of children’s books and other activities that will teach kids in a fun way. Simply, read to your child.
  3. Seek out early education blogs  – like this one – for wonderfully engaging ideas
  4. Test your financial knowledge – before diving into teaching and learning with kids, take a step back. Where are you in your financial sense? Get a benchmark before guiding kids.
  5. Teach your child to help without a reward – this one is tough. Montessori doesn’t lean into a reward for the sake of reward. The reward is the process, the feeling of confidence, self-esteem, and knowledge. Keep in mind that there is no blanket rule one way or the other as long as the child understands the connection to the reward. 
  6. Consider the difference between “family contributions” and “chores” – I love this one. There are certain tasks that come with being part of a family.
teaching kids about money

Teaching kids about money is critical for their financial success and responsibility later in life – foundations need to be formed early. There are a variety of ways to teach children of all ages, from apps and games to more traditional methods like family meetings.

But ultimately, it’s important to keep the conversations going with kids and make sure they understand the importance of budgeting and being financially responsible as early on in life as possible. Developing good money habits now can lead to life-long success when managing their finances.

Could this also start an important conversation about career choices and how choices made today can have an effect on their earning potential in the future? What are your ideas to teach kids about money?

Let’s keep these conversations alive – we need our upcoming generations equipped with the necessary skills required for a successful financial future!

Thank you for reading!

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