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Why You Should Act Fast if Your Kid Won’t Poop


“Mommy, I got it out!” You hear your child say excitedly. You move quickly to the bathroom. You glance at the toilet bowl. A tiny dot of poop. One of the top sad parenting moments. I get it.

“Good work, sweetheart,” you encourage your child, touching his back as your eyes fill with tears. No, no, honey, you didn’t get it out. Your stomach churns.

I know the anguish you’re feeling in your gut.

I know how your heart aches for your child.

I know tears fill your eyes on multiple occasions throughout the day because of the pain you know your child is feeling on a daily basis.

I know you feel helpless and maybe even hopeless.

You don’t have to accept those feelings. Acknowledge them. Yes. But you don’t have to sit back and take them. Fight them. There are ways to help your child.


Any of these scenarios sound familiar to you?

Your child wets the bed.

Your child started having accidents after she began school.

Your child holds his BMs all day.

Your child holds his BMs as long as he can…

Your child complains about his aching tummy.

Your child doesn’t move his body as he should on the playground because he has to go to the bathroom. A false move would ruin him.

Going to the toilet causes an all out meltdown by your child.

Yes. I know. I have been there. If you suspect anything might be off with your child’s body and behavior when it comes to “potty training”, don’t wait to do something. You don’t have to feel paralyzed (as I felt on so many occasions) because there are steps to take that will move you ahead.

Ideas to Help Your Child Poop

  1. Listen to your gut if your child can’t poop or is having accidents
  2. Read It’s No Accident by Dr. Steve Hodges
  3. Try the “walking man” on his belly to give him some relief
  4. Check out the post I wrote on our potty training journey (you are not alone, friend)
  5. Create an environment for success
  6. Encourage your child (maybe some of these encouraging phrases will help you)
  7. Support your child no matter how frustrated you feel that he won’t poop
  8. Visit you pediatrician & get a referral for a pediatric urologist
  9. Find a provider that “gets it”
  10. Listen to your gut (yes, I wrote that one twice)
  11. Ask for an abdominal x-ray
  12. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Steve Hodges
  13. Don’t hesitate on the recommended approach to helping your child
  14. Listen to your gut (did I write that again? Yes.)

Hang on. I know the journey can feel and can be long. Support your child. Seek support for yourself.


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