Hi there! I hope you enjoyed last week’s post in this Integrating Montessori at Home series. Welcome to Week 3. Here was Week 1 and Week 2 in case you missed the posts. Enjoy! Let me know what you think! {There are affiliate links in this post.}
Montessori at Home
Day Fifteen
Tour a Montessori school. Observe the classroom set up, or the prepared environment. Take note of what you may consider adding as elements to your home, whether a work such as a pouring work or accessible snacks and beverages, for example.
Day Sixteen
Make the child’s bathroom experience accessible to him. Provide a towel within his reach, consider adding a Faucet Extender and a Light Switch Extender to give him more independence. Perhaps even decorate the bathroom with child friendly reminders about washing hands and fun soap!
Day Seventeen
Give your child the opportunity to practice meal prep with his kitchen tools. He can peel carrots, juice lemons, or mix and measure ingredients. Bread is a great item to bake with children. If you would like other ideas, check out this wonderful books called Pretend Soup . Collaborate with your child on meal planning. Give her visuals, or let her draw out the plan.
Day Eighteen
Read (or review) The Whole-Brain Child by Dan Siegel and Tina Bryson. and Positive Discipline for Preschoolers by Jane Nelson.
Day Nineteen
Commit to helping your child with reading & writing through materials such as a salt tray and pin poking. Check out this post on How to Encourage Writing in Preschoolers for more ideas. Learn more about Montessori’s language philosophy and Montessori’s approach to language development.
Day Twenty
Explore the senses by making a sensory tub, going on a listening walk, a texture hunt, or playing music.
Day Twenty One
Let your child completely dress himself no matter how long it takes.