Baric Cylinders are found within the Sensorial area of the Montessori classroom. The materials further develop the haptic sense, in this case, weight.
The Baric Cylinders on the Sensorial shelf.
The Baric Cylinders Lesson: Presentation I
- Prepare the box ahead of time with only the heaviest and lightest pairs.
- Invite the child to do the work.
- Ask the child: “Would you like me to show you the baric cylinders? These are the baric cylinders. Baric means weight.”
- Place the box in the center of the mat.
- Remove cylinder with 3-finger grip.
- Arrange cylinders randomly in a line from left to right.
- Start with the left cylinder, carefully lift it and place it in the palm of your hand.
- “Would you like to feel how heavy this one is?” Return the cylinder back in line.
- “Now let’s see if we can find a match. I am going to use my hand to do this work.”
- Isolate the left cylinder, feel the weight
- Weigh each remaining cylinder until you find a match. Move out of line slightly. Weigh the control again, move match to the side. Weigh control, weigh match. “These two match. They are a pair.”
The Baric Cylinders Lesson: Presentation II-V
Add an additional pair per presentation until there are six pairs.
The Baric Cylinders Lesson: Presentation VI
- “Would you like to do something new with the baric cylinders?”
- Arrange cylinders in random line left to right.
- “Now I am going to find the heaviest cylinder.”
- Weigh each one until you find the heaviest cylinder: “This one is the heaviest.”
- Move the heaviest cylinder to the lower left.
- “Now I am going to find the lightest cylinder.”
- Weigh each one until you find the lightest cylinder: “This one is the lightest.”
- Move the lightest cylinder to the lower right.
- “Now I am going to look for the next heaviest,” and so on until all are graded in a line.
- Recheck the line from left to right.
- Offer the child a turn.
Be sure to check out my Montessori Sensorial Pinterest Board for more ideas and lessons!