Gardening is a great activity for both children and adults alike, offering opportunities for creativity and exploring the natural world. But did you know there are also some amazing books about gardening specifically geared toward children?
From stories of real-life gardeners achieving their dreams to fairytales set amongst flower beds, these 25+ beautiful children’s books will add color to your home library while inspiring young readers to try their hand at tending their own gardens.
Whether you’re looking for fun picture books or something meatier that can help develop an appreciation of nature, this list has plenty of options that both teachers and parents can enjoy with kids!
Being in the middle of winter makes thinking about a garden a bit difficult. This is the time for planning, inspiring, introducing, and motivating ourselves and the little spirits in our lives. I am thrilled to bring you an extensive list of children’s books about gardening.

Gardening Books for Kids
The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle is a classic. Beautifully written and illustrated, this book will draw a child into wanting to learn more.
From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons is another gem that nicely illustrates one of nature’s wonders.
Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney is an all-time favorite of my family. We have loads of lupines in our yard. The message this story sends is absolutely lovely. We’ve painted with lupines, worked fine motor skills cleaning out pods, and planted seeds around our yard.
Jack’s Garden by Henry Cole is a sweetly illustrated story. Any child will adore the illustrations and the main character, Jack.
Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert is a well-known children’s book ripe (no pun intended) for getting kids excited about planting and gardening! Plus, kids learn a bit of vocabulary while they are at it!
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert is another gem from Lois Ehlert. This book truly gets children intrigued about botany! There are loads of fun activities to go along with this book.
How a Seed Grows by Helene Jordan is an adorable book giving children just enough to ignite their desire to want to learn more.
The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss is a classic that I cannot read enough to my children. The presentation is so simple yet packs a punch getting kids wondering about this seed’s life.
Oh Say, Can You Seed? is a classic children’s book about seeds. This book is jam-packed and full of awesome information about botany. A fun book full of facts to guide the interests of children.
Garden Books for Preschoolers
A Seed Is Sleepy by Dianna Aston is a beautifully illustrated and lovely story about the journey of a seed. The book has a gorgeous design and tells a detailed story about the life of a seed.
Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert is yet another beauty from Ehlert. The author truly helps children make the connection between farm to table. This book ties nicely into a cooking activity with kids.
One Bean by Anne Rockwell is adorable and simple. Cute illustrations and kids will learn from this book.
How Groundhog’s Garden Grew by Lynne Cherry is a sweet story of friendship where a groundhog learns a lesson about gardening. Kids join the groundhog as he learns the ins and outs of gardening.
Compost Stew by Mary McKenna Siddals teaches children about one of the most important aspects of gardening. This book teaches kids where to start with composting, what it takes to compost, and why it matters.
Wiggling Worms at Work by Wendy Pfeffer introduces the wonders of the worm. We may not see them at all times but these little creatures are busy preparing our soil for growing food.
Wonderful Worms by Linda Glaser is another classic celebrating an often underestimated tiny creature of our ecosystem.
Dirt: The Scoop on Soil by Natalie M. Rosinsky lets us in on what makes up dirt. Through colorful artwork, the reader will learn soil components and what makes soil healthy.
Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni is one of my all-time favorite books. Classic Lionni with sweet prose and gentle illustrations guides the reader through the beauty that is gardening.
Inch by Inch: The Garden Song by David Mallett brings to life the wonderful children’s folk tune that we all know so well. Sweetly illustrated and easy to sing along, this book is not to miss.
Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt by Kate Messner
Grandma Lena’s Big Ol’ Turnip by Denia Lewis Hester is a fun story about Grandma Lena’s gardening. She loves her turnips. One grows so big that she needs the help of several family members. Kids love this book.
The Life and Times of the Honeybee by Charles Micucci introduce the important role honeybees play in our ecosystem. Learn about pollination in this post!
If You Hold a Seed by Elly MacKay is hands down one of the most gorgeously illustrated books! This book illustrates the magic that happens in a garden. Planting a seed requires patience, care, and devotion. Eventually, with the right mix of love, a gift will blossom. A wonderful message for kids.
Miss Maple’s Seeds by Eliza Wheeler is a perfect companion to Miss Rumphius. So naturally, I had to dive in. The book has a loving message as Miss Maple gathers seeds that have yet to find the perfect place to sprout. So sweet and worth every minute.
The Dandelion Seed by Joseph P. Anthony is melodic in taking us on the journey of a seed in the wind. Children love this story and always have loads of questions.
Planting the Wild Garden by Kathryn O. Galbraith gives us a unique and lovely perspective on seed planting. The books tell us about the seeds planted by things other than people, such as animals and the wind. Don’t miss out on this one.
I hope you enjoyed this book list.