Learn the Smelling Bottles Montessori Lesson
You’ve heard about all this Montessori sensory stuff but don’t know where to start? Montessori Smelling Bottles are a lot of fun for children and for adults. The variations and extensions …
You’ve heard about all this Montessori sensory stuff but don’t know where to start? Montessori Smelling Bottles are a lot of fun for children and for adults. The variations and extensions …
Montessori Sensorial Extensions are crucial to engaging a child in further learning. The materials are beautiful and robust, but having great variations and extensions in your back pocket will ease …
Montessori Thermic Tablets are a Sensorial material that defines the child’s haptic sense. Children truly enjoy this work and you can purchase or create the materials at a reasonable price. These Five Senses …
The Rectangle Box is the second of six (including the pinwheel box) Constructive Triangle Boxes within Montessori’s Visual Sense Sensorial works. The child continues to work on focus and concentration …
Baric Cylinders are found within the Sensorial area of the Montessori classroom. The materials further develop the haptic sense, in this case, weight. The Baric Cylinders on the Sensorial shelf. …
Isn’t this image beautiful? I was taken aback by the amazing shapes and designs possible from a few triangles. This material is from an early childhood Montessori classroom. Intro to …