Have you decided that you want to start a Montessori school or program? Are you wondering what the next steps might be and the resources you need to begin? Look no further! These sites and suggestions will help you realize your Montessori dream.

First Steps to Starting a Montessori School
- Observing as many different classrooms and programs in various Montessori schools as is possible will give you many ideas. These will include the environment you want to create and the materials you may need to purchase.
- Connecting with directors of schools helps you to understand how programs are run. Oftentimes, directors are willing to discuss their successes and difficulties. They may even share documents that they use for their programs.
- Learning about state and local regulations will help determine what steps you need to take to become certified. The United States Department of Education has a document about the State Regulation of Private Schools.
- Writing a business plan will help you focus your thoughts and ideas in order to realize your vision. The Small Business Administration has resources you can use.
Related Read: Use Both Hands – A Case for Training Montessori Assistants
Online Resources for Starting a Montessori School
- The International Montessori Foundation has a course called Building a World-Class Montessori School. This 12-week course goes through eleven different units which will help you focus your dreams in order to make them a reality. I have completed this course, and although it is intensive, I highly recommend it. The information you receive is invaluable.
- NAMTA has published a book called The Whole-School Montessori Handbook. This handbook takes you step-by-step to create the documents you will need and the decisions you need to make. I also highly recommend this book. It has numerous samples for all program aspects.
- The American Montessori Society has compiled a school resource website with a few resources you can consult.
- People of Our Everyday Life has an article that lays out specific steps you may want to consider.
- Living Montessori Now has an article that focuses on starting a preschool classroom at home.
- NAMTA has a resource that has links focusing on subjects such as organization, budgets, legal issues, and financial operations.
- Montessori for Everyone has an article with seven tips to start a Montessori classroom.
- Trillium Montessori hosts a private Facebook group for current Montessori directors and those people with a desire to star ta school
Related Read: 5 Benefits of a Montessori School
While there is a lot to consider before starting a program, these sites and resources are invaluable to helping you reach your goal. Let me know how it goes!