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Thermie Pumpkin Soup Toddler Style


Hi! I am Amie and in the blogosphere I blog in a little place called Mum of Twins, a Toddler and a Teenager. Here you’ll find me musing about day-to-day life with 14 month old twins, Strawberry and Ooffa. A 31 month old toddler, Chook and a 13 year old teenager, Gamer. I am really chuffed to be posting on Carrots Are Orange today. I “discovered” CAO through the Kids Co-op and I stop by Marnie’s blog often to check out what her lovely family has been up to. Our children are similar ages and it inspires me to think “Well if CAO Mum is getting her kids to do that, well surely I can give it a go”!

On Your Marks…
Before inviting Chook to join me in cooking I go through the recipe in my mind or I read the recipe to make sure I have everything.
I lay everything that is required for the recipe out on the bench: ingredients & utensils. AND I prepare a quick pull out back-up activity which is usually coloured paper and stickers. This is for when things go pear shaped!
Trust me it is almost mandatory that you do these pre-cooking preparations. It’s like cooking with Gordon Ramsay when you’ve got a toddler in the kitchen. It’s fast, go-go-go and you’re constantly on your toes. I wonder what it is going to be like when the twins are old enough to join in…!
We’re cooking with the Thermomixer today and making the Pumpkin Soup in the Everyday Cookbook.
You need:
  • 1 onion, cut in quarters.
  • 1 Tb Oil
  • 500g Pumpkin
  • 1 Carrot
  • 500g Chicken stock
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • Cream or sour cream (to your personal taste)
  • Crusty bread
Get Set…
  • Now I invite Chook to come and cook with me.
  • We go to the bathroom and wash our hands.
  • Then we put on our aprons.
Pumpkin and carrots are really hard vegetables when raw so while I did the cutting I gave Chook a piece with the seeds still intact to explore. 
Once all the vegetables were cut into pieces, we moved over to the Thermomixer and started cooking. First we put the onion in, whizzed it into diced onion, added the oil and set the temperature, time and speed to sauté the onion. When the beeper went off, I talked about how the Thermomixer bowl would be hot and how steam would come out when I took off the lid. Chook then added the pumpkin and carrots to the bowl. 
A quick whizz had them diced up (very noisy and it made the Thermomixer shake, to Chook’s wonderment). Chook then added the chicken stock and a pinch of sugar (I love how he says “Sprinkle, sprinkle” as he puts the sugar in).
I set the temperature and the timer. Turned the dial to the desired speed and we left it to do its thing. While the Pumpkin Soup was cooking we read Hairy Charlie and the Pumpkin outside on our Circle Time Mat.
Soon enough the beeper sounded. We went back inside, whizzed the soup into a smooth mush of deliciousness and I poured the soup into the Thermo Server.
I then spooned some into the children’s bowls and left them out to cool. You can add cream when you’re whizzing at the step above or you can add a dollop of sour cream now (my preference). Serve with crusty bread.
Mmmmm, delicious!

I live in remote Western Australia, by the ocean, in a beautiful place called Esperance. I am a mum to a teenager and then there’s a huge gap to my toddler and almost ‘toddling’ twins. I blog about our day-to-day adventures and challenges of raising such a diverse range of ages and the challenge of raising three-under-three. I hope you all get a chance to stop by my blog and say ‘Hi’!

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