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Encourage Kids to Practice Letter Writing


Do you want to encourage a child to practice writing? Have you heard of Rainbow Letters? Rainbow Letters are a fun way to help kids practice their letter writing! Here is the early writing trick: create block letters on a coloring page and give the child crayons, colored pencils, or markers.

Help a Child to Write

Super Fun and Easy to Way to Get a Child to Practice Letter Writing

My four year old has been reluctant with his writing. Unlike his brother, my four year old has not developed a love for coloring or drawing or painting. All of these activities help work those fine motor skills so useful in writing. Rainbow Letters are one tool of many ways to encourage kids to write. The home is an easy place to read and write with children because it is a safe place. Plus you can create the environment and let the child discover it on his own.

Get the Rainbow Letters BUNDLE!

That is what I have had to do for my four year old. I created the environment and waited…I waited a while. Rainbow Letters are one way that he began to practice his writing. I created my own Rainbow Letters typically with a theme for that month or current topic of interest. You can access my Rainbow Letters in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

how to help a child develop writing skills

“Reading and writing are quite distinct from a knowledge of the letters of the alphabet. They really come into existence when a word rather than a graphic symbol becomes a fixed element.” ~ Dr. Maria Montessori

Encourage Letter Writing with this Tool

Okay, great, but what if my kid isn’t interested?

Here is how I recommend you present the rainbow letters to the child.

  • Have an example, maybe even a “My Book of Rainbow Letters” for the child to explore
  • Work with the Sandpaper Letters to introduce sounds and connect reading and writing with texture and movement
  • Use paper to create SandPaper Letter rubbings with various colors (to introduce the rainbow)
  • Set out the rainbow letters in a paper “file” so the child can easily access any letter he wishes to practice
  • Encourage him to choose his favorite colors to create his rainbow

Get Your Free Rainbow Letters Download HERE

Rainbow Letters FREE COVER


If you want the whole set FOR ONLY $3, check it out here —>> RAINBOW LETTERS WINTER THEME


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