The idea is simple. Introduce your children to the symbol of our country by explaining the parts of the flag and the meaning of the flag. Then invite your child to create his own flag, one that represents who he is and what they love, or simply how he is feeling in those moments.
You can use any materials you choose to place out for your child. I chose the above items. My son ended up adding in tissue paper and glitter glue.
- Read F Is For Flag
to spark the interest and curiosity in what the idea behind a flag, a symbol.
- Bring out an American Flag to look at and explore with your child. Explain why there are 50 stars and 13 stripes and the colors.
- Then I invited my sons to created their own flag, represent what they “stand for”, “believe in”, “love” or simply want to create.
Both my sons created something quite unique to themselves. It was wonderful to watch them make a flag that represented them. My four year old created a 3 dimension flag with many materials. My 2.5 year old simply used dobbers. Both were beautiful.
Thank you for reading! I hope that we inspired you today!