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What You Need to Know About Montessori Education


Are you curious about Montessori education? Is your child ready to start a Montessori school? Wait, stop, what is a Montessori school?

Let’s step back for a minute. In brief, Montessori is a child-centered educational philosophy that extends far beyond the classroom walls. Dr. Montessori believed in respecting the child and allowing the child to develop at his own pace.

However, this self-paced development did not go without great preparation the environment, observation of the child, and boundaries.

Montessori, in my opinion, is best described as giving a child liberty in a well planned multi-aged environment with wide parameters (based on observation, preparation of the teacher, and knowledge of the materials). This preparation gives the children ample oppportunities to develop at their own pace and interests honoring their specific paths of brain development.

Montessori Method Overview

This page guides you through a variety and a wide range of Montessori activities and ideas on how children learn based on the Montessori theory.

As an American Montessori Society trained teacher and a Montessori parent, I am a firm believer that Montessori is a lifestyle to be embraced not only within classroom walls but in the home environment.

If you are interested in learning more about the Montessori philosophy, Montessori activities, outdoor learning, positive parenting, and Montessori learning, you are in the right place!

Definitely explore this website for all kinds of content related to this topic. I have written for years on all things Montessori from parenting to lessons to learning materials to resources and so on.

I am so glad you’re here in our community.

Where to Start with the Montessori Method

Montessori Activities

To get you started, below I list content that you will want to read to begin your Montessori journey. These posts are my most popular content and will get you started on what you need to know to live a Montessori lifestyle.

“We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.” ~ Dr. Maria Montessori

Theory & Education

This section will walk you through the basics of the Montessori classroom, the prepared environment, the key tenets of Montessori education, and how to bridge the gap between home and the classroom.

What is the Absorbent Mind?

Dr. Montessori wrote a book called “The Absorbent Mind”. She believed strongly in this theory of child development and centered much of her work on it. Birth – 6 years old is subdivided into subconscious and conscious periods, and, furthermore, into sensitive periods for order, language, movement, refinement of the senses, math and manners.

“From birth through approximately age 6, the young child experiences a period of intense mental activity that allows her to “absorb” learning from her environment without conscious effort, naturally and spontaneously.”

The Prepared Environment

“The teacher prepares the environment of the Montessori classroom with carefully selected, aesthetically arranged materials that are presented sequentially to meet the developmental needs of the children using the space. Well-prepared Montessori environments contain appropriately sized furniture, a full complement of Montessori materials, and enough space to allow children to work in peace, alone or in small or large groups.”

Here are two of my favorite quotes on the Prepared Environment:

“One of the reasons why children feel a sense of calm and repose (spiritually) in the Montessori School is just because it is an environment where everything has its proper place and must keep to it.” E.M. Standing

“The skill, care, and devotion with which the directress gets ready the environment is the very condition of the children’s freedom.” E.M. Standing

What are Sensitive Periods?

The Montessori framework recognizes several important stages in a child’s learning. Sensitive periods are critical milestones where children are particularly open to acquiring certain skills.

How do these distinctions help adults structure their kids’ learning activities? Should you be more sympathetic to your child’s sensitive periods?

Learn more about Sensitive Periods in this post.

Montessori Parenting & Positive Parenting

This section opens your eyes to a parenting approach with a Montessori overlay. What would Maria Montessori do? How would she parent a child? Learn some of my biggest takeaways from my Montessori training as I have applied them to parenting.

Montessori at Home

This section guides you in integrating Montessori into your home. You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money getting your home set up for Montessori.

Activities & Lessons

This section includes lessons from the lesson sequences of each area in the Montessori classroom.

Outdoor Learning Ideas & Resources

Outdoor education is an important piece to Montessori. Maria Montessori felt strongly about the outdoor learning environment and consider the outdoor classroom an extension of indoor learning.

Online Communities

The best way to start your Montessori journey is to join our online communities and start getting to know other people curious about Montessori.

Resources Mentioned in this Post

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