Spur of the moment, I grabbed a box and construction paper…
and, oddly enough, a large syringe I had lying around from a “water play” box I picked up at a local arts supply store.
I showed my son how to use the syringe before filling it with paint. Then filled it with paint and let him at it.
The process AND the result were pretty awesome.
He loved the sound and feel of the syringe. His use of it was a fantastic fine motor skill activity.
Then, of course, the obligatory hand prints to finish the activity.
My son is only 2.5 years old but I did attempt an art history lesson with him. I pulled out my old art history books from college and a few prints from online to give him examples of abstract artwork like Pollack, Diebenkorn, Klee and Cy Twombly.
He was interested in the images so I figured the lesson was a success. Judging by our sensory experiences with paint, I think he wants to be an abstract modern artist, or at least he is one at heart.
Thanks for visiting and come back soon,