I am a big believer that getting kids moving and “doing stuff” will open the floodgates of communication. For many years, I have envisioned coordinating a group that takes children suffering loss out for hikes.
The fresh air and the physical activity work wonders for opening the mind and allowing it to breathe. Grief can come in many forms. Losing a pet, moving to a new home, losing a grandparent, losing a sibling, or experiencing divorce.

Whatever the circumstances, processing grief is important and the more proactive we adults can be (for ourselves too) the better off our children will be in handling and hopefully growing from the experience. A high school teacher reminded me many years ago of the fact that “Adversity breeds strength and goodness“. That quote, in all its power, resonates with me on a daily basis.
Bethany of No Twiddle Twaddle, a lovely blog focused on the imagination through books and creative play, you should all check out, came up with a beautiful and hands-on activity to get kids thinking about and processing grief. The activity was so relevant and beautiful, we decided to team up and present it to you.
Bethany’s activity involves making Memory Easter Eggs in honor of that and those you have lost. (In love, yet?) The supplies you need won’t cost you a lot of money and include hand-blown or wooden craft eggs, tissue paper, sponge paintbrushes for glue, Mod Podge (my current obsession), and thumbnail-sized photos printed on regular paper. In her post, she includes links and directions on each step.
This activity is very effective for grief loss. Ask your child to select photos of the loss. These photos represent memories of this person. As you work with your child crafting the memory eggs, begin the conversation. Start talking about the memory and the loved one.
Then ask your child questions about the person, the memory, the feelings, and how his or her body feels when talking or thinking about this person. Talking is a good thing but don’t forget, as Bethany emphasizes in her write-up, that “working quietly or simply thinking about the loved one” is equally as important.
I was moved by this activity. I hope that it inspired you and provoked thoughts. Maybe, just maybe, this post and activity will help you and your family grieve. Well, that is our hope, anyway.
Have a beautiful day.