I have the best Montessori writing tool for you.
Helping a child learn to write can be a painful process for adults.
Who am I kidding?
Learning to write is harder for the child, especially a child who is struggling with fine motor skills and hand strength. Our job is to guide the child, to observe, and to understand what direction the child needs from us.
You see, kids learning how to write don’t need a pencil and paper. Many Montessori classrooms have a writing tool such as a salt or sand tray. In our home, we’ve tried salt trays and sand trays as a Montessori writing tool.
Nothing beats our variation: the Corn Meal Tray.
The feel of the corn meal intrigues children and makes for a wonderful writing tool. Simple and powerful. Inexpensive, too. A Tray. Corn Meal.
The Best Montessori Writing Tool for Kids
Keys to this Montessori Language Work
- Place a card with a letter, number, line or word near the child, preferably in front perhaps leaning against a wall vertically placed, or simply next to the child. This card will guide the child’s tracing and writing.
- Use a tray with sides high enough to minimize the mess and isolate the work. We use the box from Melissa & Doug Shape, Model and Mold
. You can also purchase a tray specific for this purpose like this writing tray from Montessori Services, or these less expensive writing trays from Montessori-n-Such (Montessori Sand Writing & Drawing Tray & Lid
and Sand Writing Tray with Tracing Cards & Sand
are great!).
Check out my Montessori Pre-Reading Activities Pack!
Additional Montessori Writing Resources
I really enjoyed these posts on pre-writing a la Montessori:
- The Imagination Tree's Moon Dust Sensory Writing Tray
- Raise Awesome Kid's Sand Tracing Tray Alternative
- Peaceful Parenting's Eight Months of Montessori Inspired Literacy Work
- Montessori Pre-Reading Language Materials Pack
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