I feel so grateful to have all day on Fridays completely free to spend with my boys. Here is what we did this morning.

I added a “Circle Time Basket” to my planning and execution. I gather the materials I’ll need in this basket. It worked really well.
8:30am: Breakfast
8:45am: Circle Time – I introduced two new works during Circle, which I wouldn’t normally do but it worked out well.
Morning song: Frere Jacques (“Stand up J, Stand Up J. Turn around. Do a little clap, clap. Do a little clap, clap. Then sit down.”)
Boys song request: Ring Around the Rosie
Calendar & Calendar Song
Geography: Introduced “Land, Air & Water” and followed up with animal and vehicle sorting activity.
Our Preschool Routine
Music: Friday’s seem to be working out as Music Day. This morning I introduced Montessori Number Cards (courtesy of a wonderful instructor, Joseph Weisnewski). These cards introduce beat, rhythm, movement, and, best of all in my opinion, self-regulation work.
Basically you clap, hop, sing, anything sound or movement you want, when a red line appears below the number (1-4). My son really enjoyed the work. I only introduce the cards with red marks under each number, without red marks under each number and one additional card once he got it.
As with all works, I let him know this work is available to him on the shelf when he chooses to work on it.
Books: We read Duck & Goose Find a Pumpkin& and Anne Rockwell’s Clouds , introducing J to the concept with more work to come later.
9:30am: Headed to OmKids, a wonderful indoor yoga space for kids to move their bodies safely. There is also a music circle and singing.
We headed home at 11:15 am for lunch and rest time. There is an example of our evolving routine. Thanks for being a part of this journey with us. Thanks for visiting!
If you are interested in our Preschool Homeschool Routine, check out our Homeschool Routine here. Please leave a comment! I love hearing from you!