2016 resolutions embodied reclaiming my body and my spirit. After parenting HARD for seven years, I found myself slowly disintegrating. I didn’t recognize that person in the mirror. So, I opted to make some changes and to once again embrace things in life that make me “me”. Here are 11 ways I am bettering myself this year.
11 Ways to Better Your Mood
- Take time for yourself at least once a week for a block of time. My good friend, Shawn, of Abundant Mama, talks about taking a 3 hour block of time at least once a week. There is something magical about that block of time.
- Create a ritual for you and only you at some point during the day. Do it at the same time every day. It could be stepping outside and taking a breath of fresh air, it could be having a cup of tea, it could be taking a bath…
- Consider tea before coffee. This modification in my day gave me ten times more energy. My body didn’t feel heavy or jittery. It wasn’t jolted awake by a rush of caffeine. A much easier wake up for your body.
- Integrate Apple Cider Vinegar into your diet. I make a cup of warm water, a tablespoon on honey, and a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning. This drink is an acquired taste but as a natural cleanser my body quickly adjusted to loving it. There are so many benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. If you don’t believe me, please check out this Apple Cider Vinegar article from Mind Body Green.
- Sleep. I know, I know. The age old piece of advice. Then, why, is it so difficult advice to follow? There are lots of reasons unique to each one of us. Figure our a way to make sleep happen for you. For me, that means not drinking wine at dinner. Instead I use my Sodastream (a true gift!) and have a cup of mint tea in bed.
- Don’t drink alcohol. Okay, that’s no fun, right? Well at least don’t drink before bed. Back to the point above, alcohol will disrupt your sleep.
- Eat protein and avocado in the morning. Trust me. You will feel lighter. Avocado has so many good things to offer our bodies, include B vitamins, potassium, folate, and fiber.
- Take a B-12 Vitamin. B-12 Deficiency has been called a silent epidemic. This deficiency is a big deal for many reasons. For me, personally, the deficiency meant depression and anxiety. Our bodies don’t generate this vitamin so we have to get it through supplements and animal based foods. For more information, check out this article on Vitamin B-12 deficiency.
- Load up on Vitamin D-3. Calling it a vitamin is a misnomer. D-3 is actually a hormone. Our bodies don’t generate D-3. Sunlight mostly helps out bodies generate D-3 but we can also take supplements. WedMd wrote a good overview of D-3 if you want to check it out. My boys take Lil’ Critters D-3. I take Rainbow Light.
- Meditate with Headspace or another meditation app. Sometimes I only have two or five minutes to meditate. That makes a huge difference. Start small. Don’t be overwhelmed. Check it out. Meditation has huge positive health impacts.
- Exercise three times a week. In addition to chasing after your kids and lifting loads of laundry up an down stairs, find time to go to get that heart elevated and those endorphins flowing. For me, I try to run a few times a week. I have two TRX sessions a week to keep my core strong.
Thanks for being here!