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Transform Your Montessori Home into a Creative Haven with These Art Display Tips


Welcome to a world of creativity – the Montessori approach! You may be wondering how you can motivate your children to engage in creative pursuits, or even provide an environment that allows them to reach their full potential.

One of the most powerful tools is displaying art around your home – allowing them to observe and appreciate other artists’ work while also getting inspired themselves. By doing this, you will cultivate a learning atmosphere that has been proven by many years of research effective in raising well-rounded individuals.

In our effort to de-clutter, I knew I was keeping my old college art history books around for a good reason. The project with our toddler was fun and the best part is that the “art” education part of it has only begun for us. Bringing Montessori into the home is exciting and beautiful. Displaying art in the home is one example!

Read on as we explore how Montessori provisions us with easy ways for parents and children to display artwork at home!

Displaying Art in a Child\'s Space

Montessori at Home – Displaying Art

I pulled out my trusty laminating supplies, which was enough to get my two-year-old interested in the project. Then I grabbed four thick art history books, settling on impressionism to begin our project. My little man and I flipped through the pages and I asked him to chose his favorites. Turns out he has great taste as he chose two prints, a Seurat and a Renoir, to cut out, laminate, and hang at his eye level in the activity area.

Displaying Art in a Child\'s Space

Maria Montessori believed that art is vital in a child’s environment, not so much to teach the child to become an artist but to allow for a child to explore visually, feel emotional as he experiences the art and to appreciate the artwork by taking care of it (i.e. not touching it, or roughhousing with it).

Michael Olaf writes beautifully about this concept within Montessori in the early years (3-6 years old). By displaying art, you can teach history and appreciation through the work.

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