My older son can’t get enough of tactile sensory experiences. You name it, he loves smearing it on his body. Observing him in this process is amazing.
In this image, he has been exploring corn starch mixed with shaving cream, then decided to go out into our yard, under a tree to dig into the dirt and eventually cover his body (many people pay a lot of money to have this treatment done to their bodies).

My younger son is the opposite. He hates anything on his skin. His sensory extreme is olfactory. He can identify smells like no other and this “skill” began at a very early age. He can smell the good, the bad and the ugly.
For example, check out “Paint in a Box” and the Green Paint Incident:

Or this photo from an Earth Day play date last year. Notice the boy covered whose face is covered in paint:

Wait here is another image from a sweet backyard painting activity one afternoon:

And then this one…and I am done.

What about your children? What senses do they favor, or do they avoid?
Thanks for reading!