Slugs fascinate me. They bombard our yard here in the oft gloomy Seattle area. Slugs attack my vegetable garden. I refuse to be angry because slugs have a place. My 2 and 3.5 year old are intrigued by slugs and excited to examine them. This post includes a slug unit.
I want to keep it that way. Their wonder and curiosity is not something I want to suppress in any way. As I researched on the internet I found many people disgruntled with these tiny mollusks. With a little preschool zoology you’ll see learning about slugs and understanding why they exist makes us all feel a bit better.
I was happy to find this piece on a Passion for Slugs and Snails that taught me about some of the goodness slugs have to offer our ecosystem. They take care of our environment and we need them for reasons most people don’t understand or accept.
Slug Unit for Preschoolers
They take care of weeds that help other plants survive and are food for other critters that are truly valued in the mainstream understanding of our ecosystem. I will leave it up to you to learn about some pretty fascinating facts about slugs including their reproductive habits. Definitely check out these amazing images of Sea Slugs.
Preschool Zoology Activities with Slugs:
- Observe a slug’s trail by placing a piece of construction paper under it
- Write a poem about Slugs as we spend time in our yard examining and spending time observing slugs
- Move & slither like slugs
- What Rhymes with Slug?
- Discover the Parts of a Slug
- Explore texture by allowing my sons to touch slugs gently and respectfully
- Practice Grace & Courtesy in caring for the slugs and respecting their bodies and environment
- Read & Discover: What do they eat? Do they smell? Do they poop?
Children’s Books about Slugs:
Insects (National Audubon Society’s First Field Guides)
The Secret Lives of Backyard Bugs: Discover Amazing Butterflies, Moths, Spiders, Dragonflies, and Other Insects!
Rainy Day Slug
- Slugs in Love
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