This post includes Phrases to Encourage Toilet Training. A few week’s ago I wrote about our son’s obstacles with toilet training. I wrote about Steve Hodge’s book, It’s No Accident. His work enlightened my husband and me, guiding us to seek other avenues besides “he’ll grow out of it” and “it’s just an accident”.
{If you just want to start Potty Training NOW, check out this eBook: Potty Train in a Weekend.}
Recently I read “3 Reasons Kids Don’t Need Toilet Training (and What to Do Instead)” by Janet Lansbury. Although my son’s situation is unique, I wish I had embraced this approach but we couldn’t at the time. He had to be toilet trained for school, and he had to be in school because I had to go back to work. Hindsight is 20/20, right?
Finding the right words to use with so much emotion (in some cases) involved can be tricky. Along the way my husband and I have worked hard to find words that support our son, that encourage him, that do not shame him, that, instead, give him respect and a semblance of control over his situation. So, I thought I would share some of those responses and approaches with you.
10 Phrases to Encourage Toilet Training
- “Yes, I can see you’re trying hard. It must be uncomfortable.”
- “I understand that it hurts. I will be here to support you.”
- “You’re crying. I can see your tears. Getting poop in your pants makes you sad. Let’s clean up together.”
- “Time to check in with your body.”
- “Try to sneak up on your poop, rather than having it sneak up on you.”
- “I am going to help you.”
- “Would you like some privacy?”
- “How does your body feel right now?”
- “Let me know when you’re ready to go to the bathroom, and I’ll help you.”
- “What do you think happens to poop if you hold it?”
What would you add?