We adore the children’s book A Walk in London by Salvatore Rubbino. We especially enjoyed reading this children’s book with the Olympics right around the corner. There are many activities that you can do to accompany this lovely book. One that we did happened organically for us, which I always love because those activities are the best kind.
As we read through the book following the walk through London, my son was enthralled with Big Ben, of course, but then even more so when we came to the stop at the Bank Museum. He was intrigued by the idea that different people use different kinds of money to buy things depending on where you live in the world. I am so fortunate to have a pile of foreign coins and bills collected from over the years. I knew this bag of goodies would come in handy one of these days so I quickly to grab the bag and showed my son the pounds and pence of England.
The book illustrates the money very well, making it “Real Life” sized. We actually could match up the coins to the illustrations and examine the bill.
All you need is the book and British money. If you don’t have actually coins and bills available to you, there are great FREE printables available online. You could also search Wiki Commons or Google Images.
This activity tied the Olympics (history) to London (geography) to a book (early literacy) to money (practical life). It was easy & inexpensive.
If you are interested in learning more about ways to teach kids about money, definitely check out my Kids & Money Series.
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