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December Montessori Activities that Follow the Child


Have you heard the phrase “March of the Units?” I find myself getting caught up in the “March of the Units”, a term one of my Montessori instructors used during training. What this phrase means is, for example, September = Apples, October = Pumpkins, November = Turkey, and so on.

But, oh, don’t we love the holiday season!

I sure do.

Can you still be festive with your shelves and follow the child? Absolutely! March of the Units is a great organizational tool as long as it doesn’t compromise the critical key tenet of “following the child”.

I get it.

It resonates with me BIG time. So, with that thought in mind, as I prepare December Montessori activities, I thought I should share them with you.

December Montessori Activities

December Montessori Activities

Winter Sensory Basket

This basket is perfect for toddlers. I isolated the color but provided various ideas of what “soft” might feel like to our touch.

December Montessori Activities Christmas

Cap Tong Transfer into Green Tree Mold

The theme here is red and green. I added the Christmas Tree mold for fun. I recycled red caps from baby food puree pouches. Use tongs to work fine motor skills and concentration with placing a cap in each mold.

Winter December Montessori Activities

Snowflake Tweezer Transfer

I love this printable because you can use it for a clothespin work, or, as I did here, a tweezing work. Add the one to one correspondence for pre-math work. The snowflakes I bought from Joann Fabrics. {Source of Montessori Printable: frau liebe}

christmas montessori sensorial activities

Lightbulb Pattern Work

You don’t need the tongs in this work but it added an element of fine motor work. I love these mini bulbs colored so beautifully. The pattern cards come with the set. {Source: eLeMeNOPkids Etsy Store}

practical life december montessori activities

Cork Huller Transfer

 Simple cork transfer with a strawberry huller. Great for working the 3 finger grip getting little hands ready for writing.

Christmas Montessori December Activities Sort

Mini Stocking Color and Object Sort

I adore these mini stockings. I bought these items from Michaels. The mini gift boxes and drums came in two colors. So this work makes for an easy color sort.

Related Read: Simple Christmas Activities for Preschoolers

Thanks for stopping by! If you enjoyed this post, definitely check out my recent post on Practical Life shelves!


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