“Let us give the child a vision of the whole universe. . . for all things are part of the universe, and are connected with each other to form one whole unity.” ~ Dr. Maria Montessori
This post highlights a fun and easy way to open your child’s eyes to the world. Plus there is a fun little announcement at the end! Enjoy!
I love Earth Day for many reasons. There is so much learning involved with the celebration for kids and for adults. For me, Earth Day is about becoming more mindful of our impact on the environment and about celebrating the beauty of the environment.
We did loads of Earth Day Activities last year. This Earth Day activities for kids round up post gives you a good idea of the joy we had in learning and crafting our way through April.
I prepped the activity while the boys were playing together upstairs. It really does just take scissors, paper and glue. I used card stock because I figured I’d want to keep the result around for a while.
I searched for images of kids from around the world and printed them out on my home printer. Nothing fancy.
I traced a circle with the lid of a pot and cut it out. I cut out the images from the internet. Then I placed them as you can see in the above photo. I invited my son over to the table: “Come over here, I want to show you something!”
I asked if he remembered all the fun we had last year for Earth Day. It is remarkable what kids this age remember. I was particularly pleased that he was able to tell me it was the day that we celebrate how to take care of the earth. I then pointed out the images and asked him what he observed about them: “some have darker skin than me.”
I explained that these children are from different all around the world and that they share the earth with us here in Seattle. Then he and his brother took turns with the glue stick, pasting images onto our blue circle “earth”. I placed a piece of contact paper over the final product so that we can savor it through the month of April.
Both my boys were interested in the children in these images. They asked questions. I hope that this activity is the first of many to ignite their curiosity of the world and of our earth.
Thank you for reading today! How do you celebrate Earth Day? Be sure to check out my Earth Day Pinterest Board for some amazing ideas from around the web. Leave a comment, too! I love hearing from you!
I want my kids to see the world, to travel and to experience all the earth has to offer. So I am thrilled to announce that I am going to be a part of Melissa & Doug’s On the Go summer campaign. I get to do what I love – being outdoors with my family – and share with you all the amazing fun and learning we’ll be having on the road camping around the Seattle area. We have lots of wonderful adventures and activities to bring to you. My partners in adventure are Zina of Let’s Lasso the Moon and Tiffany of Peanut Blossom. See you on the road! ~ Marnie