What better way to kick off spring than with an Earth Day language activity? Earth Day is on April 22 this year and is a fantastic opportunity to introduce important lessons and habits to our kids!
First up for us was an Early Literacy activity: E is for EARTH

Earth Day Language Activity
Yes, we created the Letter E from soil! I was inspired by the beautiful potting soil I have waiting for seeds, plants, and flowers. Well, the planting is going to start this coming week but we decided to give the soil a little love and attention.
Letter E Earth Day Activity
If you are not able to do this activity outside (like us on this particular day) place a piece of yellow, blue, brown, or green construction paper or card stock (we used yellow card stock) in a cardboard box on top of a mat. Easy pickup and your child will still be able to explore and have a sensory blast with the activity.

Grab your glue and make a letter E. Use a brush or drip to draw the letter “E” first. Let your child squeeze out the glue, tracing the letter E. My child is 2.5. While he would have truly owned this responsibility, I am afraid the letter E would have lost his wonderful glue approach!

Grab your soil and get your hands dirty! This part is fun.

Let dry. This part is hard. I actually let our E dry overnight.

The next morning, we were excited to reveal our Letter E! The result was beautiful!
The only thing I would do differently NEXT time and suggest to you is to mount the paper/card stock on a piece of cardboard, or something sturdier. The soil, as it turned out, was heavy. It dried nicely but weighed down on the paper.
Finally, if you are feeling really creative and have a patient child, paint the card stock/paper with earth tones such as blue, green, brown, yellow, let dry and then apply glue and soil. I also covered the Letter E with contact paper to preserve and protect our creation, which gave me an opportunity to talk about how precious the earth’s resources are to us. It also contained the mess!
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