This image is one of several of the Rylco What’s Inside cards taped to a window.
My 3.5 year old constantly asks: “Mama, what’s inside my nose…” or “Mama, what’s inside my knee…” or “What’s inside that cement truck?” Sometimes I have the answer but many times I don’t have any clue and that is okay. I knew though that I should honor his curiosity by letting him take the lead in his learning and by creating the environment for him to do so.
Here are a few tools we use:
Rylco’s What’s Inside Animals?
X-Ray Cards. You can use these cards with a light box (we have the LightTracer Light Box but you can create a cheap DIY light box) or simply by placing the cards against a window. The set comes with a great overview of each “animal” with descriptions of the class in which they belong such as “reptiles” or “amphibians”, etc. An amazing and inspiring material for you and your child.
Gentle Revolution’s Bit of Intelligence Cards – Organs of the Body
These cards are beautifully detailed and would make for a great addition to a wall in a classroom or child’s bedroom. The cards, with their detail, are also amazing learning tools.
An easy to follow, very informative book for young children. To be honest there was too much information for my 3.5 year old but we had a good time examining the illustrations.
Who doesn’t love this series? Fun and we all learn a lot.
This book is part of a series and includes extremely effective visuals. Adults learns as much as children.
A good start!
Thanks for reading! I hope we inspired you today.