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What to Do When Your Partner Doesn’t Believe in Montessori


Since the beginning, misinformation riddles Montessori. Explaining Montessori at home and in the classroom is a matter of education. Great? What do we do when our husband or partner doesn’t believe in Montessori? How do we convince him or her that Montessori is the way to go?

What to Do When Your Husband Doesn't Like Montessori

We live in a mass information-overloaded age. Sifting through the copious amounts of information warrants a critical eye. So, from this standpoint, the pushback on Montessori is a good and a healthy thing.

That is my first piece of advice not included in my three points below. Taking a close look at criticism is an opportunity to hone your passion for Montessori. Invite the push back so you can dance with the criticism, proving your point otherwise.

What to Do When Your Husband Doesn't Believe in Montessori

What to Do When Your Husband Doesn’t Believe in Montessori

This post includes a 3 point plan to educating your partner on Montessori. You’re not alone. Many who quickly fall in love with Montessori run into road blocks from our loved ones and since your instincts kicked in to move in the direction of Montessori, your emotions make it difficult to put into words why Montessori speaks to your heart.

Related Read: When Is It Too Late to Start Montessori with My Child?

3 Steps To Getting Your Partner On Board With Montessori

  1. MONTESSORI IS A LIFESTYLE and not simply a school you send your child or an approach you adopt in your homeschool. Developing the whole child is impossible without bridging the gap between home and school. Embracing Montessori is key to a child developing successfully underneath his terms.
  2. GIVE EXAMPLES of the many successful rock stars like Jeff Bezos and the Google founders attribute much of their entrepreneurially success and creative spirit to a Montessori foundation.
  3. STEP BACK AND EDUCATE (or re-educate) yourself on the foundations and the history of Montessori. For example the stories of Dr. Montessori working with kids in the slums and kids with mental challenges need to be understood within the context of time, of how people generally viewed child development and education. So, define terms like “mental challenges” as it was used when Dr. Montessori first began working with children. Montessori worked with kids ‘in the slums’ because they were the low hanging fruit. No one else wanting to work with these kids because they had ‘mental challenges.’ She believed otherwise and that the way these kids needed to take in the world and learn was different from transitional ways. An important point is that society deemed these children as challenged but Dr. Montessori flip learning on its lid. She approached child development in a revolutionary way. Kids learn via sensitive periods, moving concrete to abstract, and through their senses.

Be a part of the mainstream reeducation of Montessori.

This video by Trevor of Montessori Madness is also quite convincing for doubters!

Let us know how it goes!


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