This post includes a list of Montessori Inspired Father’s Day gifts. You’ll notice these gifts are much more about having an experience with Dad, not so much about buying more “stuff”. I hope you find this Father’s Day guide helpful in your quest to find something a bit unique this Father’s Day.

Build Together
Woodshop for Kids is a phenomenal book for many reasons. There are over 50 projects that range in difficulty and developmental stage. Some projects children can handle on their own, while other projects require an adult’s help.
Additionally, I appreciate the real images of children in the process of completing the projects. There is a lot of learning to be had within these pages. Children will learn the names of tools and how to use the tools. There is an emphasis on safety, too, which is always a good thing.
I purchased this Woodworking Toolset last year for my 2.5 and 4 year olds. The tools are the perfect size for children. They will have a blast hammering and drilling, honing fine motor skills and creating at the same time.
Meditate Together
My Daddy is a Pretzel is the coolest book for children and their dads to share time together. Children state that their daddy is a tree or a lion, then the book describes in full loveliness the approach to the pose. The illustrations are adorable and inviting to children.
Gaiam Beginner’s Yoga Kit is perfect even if you’re a yoga “veteran”. I own Gaiam products and have always been pleased with the quality. This set is perfect with a mat, a block, and a strap. Don’t forget the Fun Yoga Mat For Kids
Play Together
When my husband asked me if I wanted a scooter, I laughed at him. I didn’t realize Scooters for Adults existed out there. My sons love their Micro Scooter
. Truthfully, I was always a bit jealous. So, here is the answer!
Cook Together
Pretend Soup and Other Real Recipes: A Cookbook for Preschoolers and Up is an adorable, heartwarming cookbook for preschoolers. The illustrations are sweet and perfect for a child to follow and to create food on his own.
Food Prep Cards are a wonderful guide for children. They can follow a sequence to prepare a snack to eat and to serve.
Imagine Together

Usborne Greek Myths
Eeboo Tell Me a Story: Mystery in the Forest
Read Together
Splurge on a Kindle
. He’ll enjoy story time on the Kindle for himself and his children. Kids can read on the Kindle too.
Do Together
Handy Dad: 25 Awesome Projects for Dads and Kids
is on my “to-own” list. I love the photographs. In addition, the projects are accessible even to the not-so-handy of us out there. Ah-hem.
Dad’s Book of Awesome Projects
is ditto from above. Very excited for my family to dig into this book.
Tinker Together
Tinkerlab: A Hands-On Guide for Little Inventors
is written by a friend, in full disclosure, but this opinion is 100% my own. I’ve always admired Rachelle’s approach to learning and to teaching children. Her approach is project-based and full of creativity and imagination.
I can’t recommend her book and work enough to you all. Lots of great ideas for the little inventor in your life. These children’s book celebrating creativity and these children’s books for future engineers are also at the top of my list.
This Assemble a Flashlight activity is perfect for the little tinkerer in your life. Perfect project for time with dad.
Move over Legos, Snap Circuits are so cool even Dad will love playing with them. This product opens up a child’s mind. She will undoubtedly have lots of questions and experiments to do before she’s done.