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Looking for fun and easy science experiments for your kids? Look no further than science experiments with baking soda and vinegar! These two ingredients are a perfect combination for fun and educational experiments.
Science experiments are great for kids because they’re fun and easy to do. Kids love experimenting with different combinations of things like food, water, and other household items. Here are some simple science experiments that will keep your kids entertained while teaching them important lessons in chemistry.
From making volcanoes to testing acid levels, your kids will love experimenting with these two substances. Check out the following list of baking soda and vinegar experiments for some inspiration. Happy experimenting!

The Science Behind Baking Soda & Vinegar
Baking Soda and vinegar react chemically we know that much simply by observing the experiments. We can see the chemical reaction. What it is about the two ingredients that respond in such phenomenally cool ways?
The science is that baking soda and vinegar react with each other because of an acid-base reaction. Baking soda is a bicarbonate (NaHCO3), and vinegar is an acetic acid (HCH3COO). One of the products this reaction creates is carbon dioxide, which makes bubbles.
Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiments for Kids
Fizzing Colors from Happy Hooligans is not only fun science learning, but it is also great fine motor skills work. This baking soda and vinegar experiment with food coloring adds a bit of pizazz to a child’s day.
Busy Toddler adds a bit of a twist to the dropper food color experiment by Happy Hooligans. She presents the baking soda and vinegar activity with hidden colors. By adding this element of surprise, this activity has kids at ‘hello.’
My sons LOVED this baking soda & vinegar experiment. Chelsey from Buddy & Buddy nails this one with her exploding baggies.
Similarly, Sarah from Frugal Fun for Boys & Girls created a rocket for her kids. Totally out of this world!
Katie from Preschool Inspirations tops the cake with her color-changing experiment.

A few years ago, we explored chemistry with a baking soda and vinegar experiment with balloons. To celebrate Earth Day, we used an earth balloon and made the scientific point about expanding air.
Maria Montessori & Science
What is a scientist?…
We give the name scientist to the type of man who has felt experiment to be a means guiding him to search out the deep truth of life, to lift a veil from its fascinating secrets, and who, in this pursuit, has felt arising within him a love for the mysteries of nature, so passionate as to eradicate the thought of himself. ~ Dr. Montessori
More Easy Science Experiments for Kids
Kim from Life Over Cs does an experiment with ice!
Darcy at Darcy and Brian create a Melting Rainbow experiment.
I quickly added this hot ice experiment to our list. Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls made hot ice from a few items you likely have in your home at this current moment.
Life Over Cs presents us with a playdough volcano experiment.
The Pinterested Parent takes learning further by creating art from the volcano eruptions!
Bitz and Giggles created electric eels!
What’s Next After All this Experimental Learning?
Add other substances, such as carbonated water, hydrogen peroxide, or dish soap. Observe how the eruption changes.
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