One overcast Pacific Northwest morning, I bent down to help a 3.5 year old put his shoes on his small, adorable feet.
Then it struck me.
“Hey, D, you put your shoes on your own body last week, right? I saw you do it. What a great moment that was. I remember.”
He looked up at me, a bit confused but nodded slowly and with a smile, then explained, “Mommy and Daddy help me all the time at home.”
Ah, ha. Yes. I get it. It happens.
Isn’t that amazing? After two days at home a child somehow loses the ability to confidently do what he was able to do for himself?
When It Is Ok to Be Late
I am not pointing fingers, or trying to make any parent feel inadequate. Believe me, I am there right with you, every step of the way. It is easier to help the child.
In the short term at least.
When I am struggling to get out the door, the last thing I want to do is observe my child meticulously put his shoes on by himself, taking ten times longer than if I did it for him.
Here is the thing, though: that is exactly what I want to do. Those moments are beautiful and precious. The pure joy of a child doing something for himself is a feeling I wish I could bottle up and sniff in on those more impatient moments.
We can wait those few moments. We can. Say it with me. Breathe. We can wait just a moment. Be late. At least just this one time.
Montessori is a lifestyle. Montessori is not an educational philosophy that begins and ends at the classroom doors. Extend it. Bring it into your home. Here are are a few ways to Integrate Montessori into Your Home. If you need more, check out this FREE SAMPLE CHAPTER from my Montessori at Home Guide for Parents.
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