Check out this easy and inexpensive earth day activity! We love earth day activities. We played Earth Ping Pong and integrated basic ideas and concepts about Earth and the Earth Day celebration.
We also got a lot of energy out of our systems and worked on gross motor and fine motor skill development. Sometimes the greatest activities occur spontaneously and easily. This activity is one of them.
Earth Day Activity
We bought these great Globe Earth Balloons for a special activity to celebrate Earth Day, April 22nd. Somewhat indirectly inspired by pen n’ paper flowers post on an amazingly well-done toddlers-themed birthday party, this morning I noticed the paper plates leftover from my son’s first birthday party, grabbed a couple of jumbo popsicle sticks and the glue.
From these items I made DIY Ping Pong paddles perfectly sized for my toddler and preschooler. I eyed the balloon already full of air and we were golden.

Clearly, this activity is good for indoors on a rainy day. The activity is reasonably quiet and safe. Developmentally speaking, ping pong encourages continued refinement of hand-eye coordination.

I loved watching my son judge when to swing his arm to hit the paddle to the balloon.
In addition, we worked on self-control and basic concepts. My mother {who was also an active participant in the ping pong game) held the ball and would ask my son, “Do you want it high or low?” “Fast? or Slow?” or say to him, “Okay, feet on the ground, when you stop moving, I’ll toss up the balloon.”
That statement settled him down as he waited for the much-anticipated balloon to float into the air.

We also talked about the Earth and he shouted answers out to questions like, “What is the earth made of? What colors do you find on the earth?” He is almost three so you can go as in depth as you’d like with these questions, answers and descriptions.
Talking about why Earth Day is important is critical for me this year. My son is old enough to “get it” and best to instill these habits and ideas early in life.
Not to mention, the game really tuckered him out. Judging the Vulcan grip on the paddle still after he had fallen asleep, I feel confident in saying that he enjoyed the activity.

Thank you for visiting today! I hope that we were able to inspire you!