The ‘art’ of generational storytelling and the role of the “grand-parental” relationship seems to have been lost as moving away from family, especially in today’s digital age, is more and more the norm. My Nana and Pa were a huge part of my existence growing up. I’m so grateful for their role in my life. Both passed away over a decade ago but my memories of them are strong and vivid. I used to comb my Nana’s hair and sit with her at the table for hours talking about the world. She and my Pa were a unique pair whose stories became more open and honest as the years passed by. In short they loved life and had the stories to prove it!
My relationship with my grandparents was life defining. I miss them terribly but smile often when I, my mother or my boys do something that reminds me of them. I know they’d be proud of me and the life I have built for my family. My boys have a very special relationship with their grandparents, albeit long distance. I’m determined to keep it that way.
September 9th is National Grandparent’s Day in the United States. To celebrate, I’d like to honor grandparents. Here are a few ideas:
- Look at Pictures – Show pictures to your children and tell stories about your grandparents
- Skype – for those of us who are long distance integrate this FREE method of communication at least weekly
- Gratitude Card making or Artwork – Make a “thank you” or “thinking of you” card with your children to send to their grandparents. We made these adorable resist paintings on mini canvas’ for Valentine’s Day.
- Virtual Story Time – My mother has virtual story time with my boys. She actually checks out books from her local library to read to them. All parties are thrilled and captivated by the time.
- Memory in a box – I have stones my grandmother gave me many years ago. I’d like to bring them out and share them with my 3 year old
- Pass Tradition – Teach your child a card game that your Grandparent’s taught you (for me that would be rummy) or bake a favorite family recipe
- Write your family’s story with your children
- Spend Time – You and your children spend an afternoon with them just hanging out or helping them around the house
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