Inspired by one of our favorite books, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michale Rosen, we ventured out into our neighborhood one glorious spring afternoon last week.
That day was one of the first true days when you could smell spring in the air – fresh air, flowers, newly cut grass – but that is for a whole other activity. Today was simply marveling at the colors of the season.
ORANGE – The color of vitality. I am beginning with my favorite. We found this beautiful orange and yellow flower. I love the way the orange is at the core.
BROWN – The color of the earth. We loved this solo leaf’s shiny brown texture.
PINK – The color of love and beauty. My almost 3 year old found this one by shouting and pointing up into the branches of a tree, “Mama, look, look it’s PINK!”
BLUE – The color of youth, truth and peace. I said, “We haven’t found BLUE yet! Where can we find blue…? Hhhmm…” My son replied, “I know, I know! The sky, mama, the sky is blue!” It does look that way, my sweet boy.
YELLOW – The color of wisdom, joy and happiness. “Yellow, yellow! Everywhere!”
GREEN – The color of life, nature and well being. Green, glorious green.
PURPLE – The color of magic and mystery. Love these deep shades of purple.
WHITE – The color of purity and cleanliness. Let us not forget the non-colors!
GRAY – The color of sorrow, security and maturity. Even grays are beautiful.
RED – The color of action, confidence and courage. In this photo my son is claiming he sees red. All I see is the red of his wellies but, hey, that counts.
Here are a few great posts on Color Scavenger Hunts that inspire me every day:
- Inner Child Fun has an awesome and very inexpensive Color Matching Scavenger Hunt using paint samples!
Thank you for stopping by…I hope that I inspired you today.