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How to Encourage Your Less Than Thrilled Preschooler with Fun Writing Activities


Yes, preschool writing is possible! Writing activities for kids can also be fun! I am not saying that preschoolers should be able to write all their letters and numbers, but they can communicate and work fine motor skills and hand strength. Dr. Montessori believed in allowing a child to discover reading and writing.

Writing Activities for Kids

If we give space for this discovery, it’ll ignite a child’s desire and drive for learning, specifically reading and writing.

Encourage Preschool Writing

I thought a lot about how to encourage writing in preschoolers. Adults can help children develop writing skills at home and in the classroom in reasonably accessible ways to us and our busy lives.

So how do we step back and allow our children to guide their development?

First, we must accept a range of excellent development for a typically developing child. Then we must prepare the environment to support language exploration, discovery, and eventual development.

Don’t simply have a writing center; make writing permeate throughout your home or classroom by making materials accessible to the child. Finally, we must honor and support the child positively and encouragingly.

Writing Activities for Kids

Encourage Preschool Writing with these Tips & Writing Activities for Kids

Here are a few ways to encourage the development of writing without forcing it upon the child:

  • Use your finger when reading to a child, moving left to right under the words
  • Salt, sand, or corn meal writing tray for tracing
  • Pin-punching shapes from construction paper or card stock
  • Metal Insets  (or stencil) tracing
  • Sandpaper Letters to begin the muscle memory required in writing
  • Drawing with crayons or colored pencils
  • Strengthening hands with playdough and clay
  • Use a Chalkboard. I like this one because it is perfectly sized for a child. Give them a small bowl with a bit of water and a sponge. Trust me, the child will be happy. Montessori Services also has an excellent chalkboard writing set.
  • Dry Erase Board
  • Pouring activities, such as using beans from left to right
  • Tweezing objects work the three-finger grip

Writing Activities for Kindergarteners

  • Cutting practice {Check out my Cutting Strips Bundle!}
  • Painting with a variety of different-sized brushes and mediums
  • Knobbed puzzles
  • Building words with letters helps a child learn to read and write with the hand and finger movement required to build the word. Use a Movable Alphabet or a product like Melissa & Doug’s See & Spell
  • Building letters with yarn. Trace the letter first, then hand over a piece of yarn and glue!


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