Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to let your learners know how much you appreciate them! While it’s usually associated with candy and cards, many fun and creative Montessori activities will fill hearts (yours included) with joy.
These activities combine a hands-on approach that allows your students to explore basic concepts like shapes and colors while creating something tangible they can be proud of when all is said and done.
Whether you’re looking for a class Valentine’s exchange or just something special for each student to take home as a memento, we’ve got you covered.

Where Does Valentine’s Day Come From?
Every year, people worldwide celebrate Valentine’s Day and exchange cards, flowers, chocolates, and other gifts of love. Many people might not realize that mystery shrouds this memorable holiday.
Although some believe it originated from a Roman festival honoring Juno, the goddess of marriage and women, others suggest a link to a Christian martyr Saint Valentine who illegally performed weddings for Roman soldiers in the 3rd century AD.
Regardless of its mysterious origins, people worldwide celebrate Valentine’s Day with children and adults. From Valentine’s activities for preschoolers, such as making valentine cards with hearts cut out of construction paper, to romantic date nights where couples can express their love for each other.

Montessori Valentines Activities
Check out these amazing Montessori valentines activities – sure to put some extra love into learning this February!
Changing shelves up a bit can do astounding things for a classroom. Even if we didn’t have these wonderful holidays to help us plan through the year, rotating works on the shelves is always a welcomed idea by children.
This post includes five versatile Montessori Valentine’s activities for classroom trays. You will see how easy it is to create variations on these works!

Valentine’s Activities for Preschoolers

Montessori Valentines Shelves – Practical Life
In this first image above, one of my favorite trays is a felt rose transfer with tweezers. These felt roses are great because you can use them with various works, such as patterning and sorting, and with various transferring tools. I bought these roses at Michael’s. The tray and the ceramic bowls are from Goodwill.
Next, we have a simple heart gem transfer. I love the heart gems’ sound as they plop into the dish. You can present this work as a simple beginning hand transfer, making it increasingly difficult for little fingers with various transferring tools. I bought the gems at Michaels. The tray and the ceramic bowls are from Goodwill.
Finally, in the bottom image is a small clear and red gem sorting activity using tweezers—the same gem package as the above works. The tray and the ceramic bowls are from Goodwill.

Montessori Valentines Shelves – Math
I love these Valentine’s Math Clip Cards! I found these red mini clothespins at a local craft store. The hearts are simple cardboard. You can easily make these hearts, but I chose to shell out the 99 cents for two packages of 12. I wrote numbers on the hearts with a red marker.
The children can go through the cards individually or use dice to find a number to a clothespin to the heart. I love this work because it continues to improve fine motor skills for older children.

These heart counter cards help preschoolers with beginning math. I found the gems at Michaels and fit the white circles on the heart to match the size.
You can present the cards with the white dots or the cards without any dots and have the child match the number by rolling dice and finding the appropriate number card and several gems.
Resources Used in these Montessori Activities
More Valentine’s Day Activities for Preschoolers
These are just a few ideas. I hope to post additional ideas soon! Thanks for stopping by!