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Finding a versatile tool is critical when working with a classroom of children. Not only kids learn in the same way.
Montessori word lists are a fantastic way for children to learn words and create new sounds. Word lists can be used in various ways to cater to each child’s unique way and pace of learning.
This Montessori Pink Series Word Lists set includes eight cards with eight short vowel /a/ words on each card. Each card includes an actual image to match one of the words on the card.
There are two Montessori Pink Level Word Lists sets. One is in black text. The other is in Montessori red and blue lettering. The images are beautiful, authentic, and relatable.
To Prepare the Montessori Pink Series Word Lists
- Print out on cardstock
- Cut
- Laminate
- Place on shelf

Montessori Pink Series Word Lists Activities
- reading with a partner
- tracing the words with tracing paper
- illustrating a story with the words
- writing the words on a separate piece of paper
- building the words with a moveable alphabet
- seeking objects that match the words
- creating artwork using a chosen word or word list
- play fetch with objects around the classroom
Related Read: Montessori Consonant Digraph Activity for Preschoolers

“The essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self.” ― Maria Montessori
More Montessori Pink Level Activities
Ready for Blue Level? Check out Command Word Language Activity
I hope you enjoyed this post. Check out my Montessori language posts and look at the Montessori Language lesson sequence.
Don’t forget to download your FREE pink series word lists.