I bought these great mini magnets with an adhesive back. I thought they’d come in handy for crafty stuff and for hanging our sons’ works of art. I am excited to share a fall math activities with leaves using these fantastic magnets.

We’ve been using a cookie sheet to do more “formal” exercises with letters and colors, sorting, learning sounds, etc. I have a load of fake leaves from a fall sensory tub. I definitely didn’t need all one hundred (ah-hem) leaves so I decided to create a seasonal math activity for my preschooler.
Montessori Fall Math Activity with Leaves
As always, simple. I bought the fake leaves and the mini magnets with an adhesive back from Amazon. The magnet numbers are old ones we bought from Melissa and Doug a while back. The cookie sheet, well, we have a few of those baking items around the house.

The mini magnets have an adhesive back. So you simply peel the sticker and pop it on the back of the leaf.

My son was pretty into the activity as I was in the process of creating it. He got the concept of 1 = 1 leaf, 2 = 2 leaves, etc, and counted to 5 leaves. A fun way to integrate seasons into our learning. As you know that integration always leads to other questions.
In our case talking about why the leaves fall off trees. So we then started talking more specifically about the seasons and winter. He is very concerned about the birds and the squirrels as winter approaches. I definitely have a lover on my hands.
Related Read: 5 Fun Montessori Practical Life Fall Shelf
I am going to use the same magnet leaves when we’re learning the letter “L” in a few weeks. I put magnets on popsicle sticks so that I could construct different letters so I’ll pop those sticks onto our baking sheet and away we go…the possibilities are endless.
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