If you’re like most moms, you probably have an iPad loaded with apps for your kids. But are all of those apps really educational? Check out this list of the top 12 irresistible iPad apps for kids aged 3 to 12 that will keep them entertained and learning at the same time! Who says learning can’t be fun?
When I first started having babies nearly 14 years ago, I had two education iPad apps for kids’ obsessions: 1) early literacy apps that allow for different languages and 2) Montessori-based learning apps.
Although my kids are now in middle school and elementary school, I am still a huge fan of the early learning apps mentioned in this post but I have added several to keep up with my kids’ appetite for learning!

Irresistible iPad Apps for Kids
Early Literacy iPad Apps for Kids
- Montessorium’s Intro to Letters is by far one of the best Montessori apps that exist in cyberspace. The options include tracing lower and upper case letters, identifying letters, tracing double letters (/th/ or /oo/, for example), and sounding out the letters and letter combinations. The app’s voice is realistic and reads/sounds to you but also gives the opportunity to record. Plain ol’ awesome.
- Duck Duck Moose Fish School and Word Wagon
- Learning Touch First Words
- Night and Day’s Eric Carle My Very First App
- Word Tag
- Grammar Ninja
Math iPad Apps for Kids
- Montessorium’s Intro to Numbers is one of the best educational apps that exist for early learners. The app offers work on loads of skill development such as numeration, number tracing, number order, and pattern work. A great hands-on tool that helps develop math and fine motor skills.
- Mobile Montessori offers a wonderful suite of math apps ranging from 3 years thru elementary. Perfect for Montessori math practice.
- Duck Duck Moose’s Park Math and Fish School are perfect for little learners aged 2 to 5.
- Spinlight Studio’s Tally Tots – TallyTots Counting teaches numbers with 20 different mini-games that introduce basic mathematical concepts like order and quantity.
- Prodigy – Probably the all-time favorite of my boys. The age range is 5 to 14 and is a terrific supplement for homeschoolers, teachers, and parents. Kids answer math questions to complete quests. It is brilliant! As a parent or teacher, you have access to curriculum guides and progress. Probably the most motivating learning game out there.
- SplashLearn ranks up there with Prodigy Math. This K-5 game allows for customized learning (as a child answers correctly the questions get harder) for supplementing school work and practicing math concepts. The game is interactive and rewards kids for their progress. The adult gets real-time updates on progress to identify areas in which the child is struggling and succeeding!
- Slice Fractions – This app is loved by kids aged 5 thru 12. Kids solve problems & slice through ice and lava to clear the mammoth’s path all the while learning the mystery of fractions!
- Inventioneers – Kids create their own inventions! The more problems the child solves, the more parts the child receives for the next invention. The app offers real-time physics and science behind concepts such as air, fire, magnetism, and even jumping bunnies! The app site says age 9 – 11 but my 6-year-old enjoys the app and is able to solve problems and create inventions.
- Geometry Dash World
- Tower Math
Foreign Language iPad Apps for Kids
- ITot Cards Toddler Flashcards: nice images and offers in a variety of languages. My only issue with the app is thy for Chinese it only offers the Chinese letter spelling and not Pintin or phonetic
- Learning Touch First Words comes in a variety of languages although I’m still waiting for Chinese!
- Little Pim‘s Talking Coloring Book and Word Bag: I like the talking coloring book, although there are some functionality issues and the app currently offers a small sample of vocabulary, better than the word bag which is essentially a fancy version of flashcards. Little Pim is adorable and kids really take to the character. One thing to note, Word Bag only currently offers French and Spanish.
- Heidy Spurrel’s Chinese for Munchkins has fun illustrations and memory and counting games. Love that the cards show pinyin and Chinese spelling.
- Duolingo
Music iPad Apps for Kids
- Kundermusik: kids version of Pandora with lyrics and add-on activities to boot
- Duck Duck Moose Musical Me and Wheels on the Bus
Science iPad Apps for Kids
- Star Walk: This app allows you to point your device to the sky and identifies stars, constellations, etc for you. Enough said.
- ABCya’s Create a Car: The app’s name kind of says it all but I can verify that this app is awesome. Add on some Automoblox into the activity and your child will be a happy learner.
- Green Mountain Digital’s Audubon Society: An app for adults but kids will get a ton of enjoyment out of the animal sounds, birds songs, images, fun facts, and more. Your kids will get a kick out of identifying creatures and more with this app. We had a blast listening to bird songs and then hearing the same songs when we were out on walks.
- Parts of Animals – Vertebrates
- Parts of Plants
- Human Body – Let’s Learn Anatomy
- Montessori Seasons & Weather
- Parts of Fruits
- Kodable
- Crazy Gears
- ThinkRolls
- DragonBox
- Roll the Ball Slide Puzzle
- Live Sky & Sky Tracker
Art iPad Apps for Kids
- Drawing Pad gives kids many, many options to use their imagination and create a drawing. Loads of fun and is bound to keep your kid entertained for a good while.
- Clicky Sticky: This app is basically an interactive sticker collection, which, for me, is a gift. Love my kid’s enthusiasm but if I find one more sticker on the bottom of my foot or, oh, I don’t know, on our shower drain, I might have to swear off stickers for life. So, the app is a ton of fun creating scenes, dressing characters, and more.
Sensory iPad Apps for Kids
My middle son recently discovered a few apps that have helped him with his anxiety.
- ASMR Slicing
- Magic Slime
- Anti-Stress Kit / Fidget Cube
- Soap Cutting
- Squishy Toy
- Super Slime Simulator
- Master Slicer
Geography iPad Apps
- Stack the States
- Stack the Countries
- State Connect
- Montessori Land and Water Forms
- Montessori Animals of Africa
- States and Capitals Map Games
- Montessori Ultimate Geography
Some of these apps, such as the drawing and art apps, are more effective on the iPad.
Still exploring…
Have fun!