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Teaching kindness and empathy to preschoolers is a valuable lesson that lays the foundation for positive social interactions and emotional well-being. One effective way to instill these values is through engaging and interactive kindness crafts.
By involving preschoolers in creative projects centered around kindness, we can inspire them to spread love and compassion in their daily lives. In this article, we will explore a collection of kindness crafts designed specifically for preschoolers.
These projects will not only ignite their creativity but also encourage acts of kindness that will touch the hearts of others.
Why is teaching kindness so important? Furthermore, is it even possible to teach kindness to kids? Honestly, I believe that most children are born with an innate kindness. After all, Dr. Montessori did often refer to kids as the ultimate peacemakers.
I find that doing activities with kids allows the opportunity to have conversations about the big things in life. Kids seem to open up. So, my goal is that these kindness crafts for preschoolers will do just that!

“Within the child lies the fate of the future.” ~
Kindness Crafts for Preschoolers
Kindness Rocks
- Collect smooth rocks and provide paint or markers.
- Encourage preschoolers to decorate the rocks with colorful designs and uplifting messages.
- Once dry, take the children on a walk in the neighborhood or a local park, allowing them to leave the kindness rocks in places where others may find them.
- This simple gesture can brighten someone’s day and spread positivity.
Kindness Bracelets
- Cut strips of colorful yarn or elastic cord that are long enough to wrap around a wrist.
- Provide beads, charms, or other decorative items.
- Invite preschoolers to create kindness bracelets by stringing the beads and charms onto the yarn or cord.
- Encourage children to gift the bracelets to friends, family members, or even strangers, as a symbol of friendship and kindness.
Kindness Cards
- Fold pieces of cardstock or construction paper in half to create small cards.
- Provide markers, crayons, and stickers for decorating.
- Encourage preschoolers to personalize the cards with kind words, drawings, or uplifting messages.
- Help them brainstorm recipients such as family members, friends, or neighbors who could use a little extra kindness.
- Assist children in delivering the cards, spreading joy and brightening someone’s day.
Kindness Tree
- Draw the outline of a tree trunk and branches on a large piece of paper or cardboard.
- Provide cut-out paper leaves or leaf-shaped sticky notes.
- Instruct preschoolers to write or draw acts of kindness they have witnessed or performed on each leaf.
- Assist them in attaching the leaves to the branches, gradually filling the tree with kind acts.
- Display the kindness tree prominently in the classroom or at home to serve as a reminder of the power of kindness.
Kindness Collage
- Provide magazines, old greeting cards, and construction paper.
- Encourage preschoolers to cut out pictures or words that represent acts of kindness.
- Assist them in creating a collage by arranging and gluing the cut-outs onto a large piece of construction paper.
- Display the collage in a common area to inspire kindness and serve as a visual reminder of the importance of being kind.
Other Kindness Activities for Kids
I scoured the internet to identify the best kindness crafts for your kids. I am in love with these activities and I hope you are, too!
Kindness Flower
This kindness activity is incredibly thoughtful and timely for the spring.
Kindness Rocks
Easy, hands-on activity that kids will not only love preparing but they will also love placing around the outdoor environment.
Related Read: Teaching Children Emotional Intelligence
Kindness Elves Postcards
Adorable, hands-on activity for kids that integrates not only the concept of kindness but fine motor practice!
Secret Love Notes
It doesn’t get much cuter than secret love notes. Sign me up.
Related Read: Why Should Parents Care about Emotional Intelligence?
Kindness Rocks to Spread Happiness
Another adorable activity to spread kindness. These kindness rocks require writing practice and a bit of creative art.
Kindness Rainbow Crafts
This set of activities involves rainbows which are adorable. You won’t regret them for a minute.
Gratitude Stones
These stones are perfect to teach kids about kindness. The activity is intentional and thought provoking involving art and movement.
Kindness Elves & Hearts
Seriously? How adorable are these hearts? I simply love this post and all the activities & ideas behind it.
Ways to Celebrate Friendship with Kids
I love the idea behind this post. The author outlines several ways to celebrate friendship with kids.

Make a Kindness Jar
Engaging preschoolers in kindness crafts not only nurture their creativity but also cultivates empathy, compassion, and a sense of giving. These crafts provide opportunities for children to actively participate in acts of kindness, leaving a positive impact on others and fostering a culture of kindness within their communities.
Through kindness rocks, bracelets, cards, trees, and collages, preschoolers can explore the joy of giving, spreading love, and making a difference. Embrace these kindness crafts and watch as your preschoolers’ hearts bloom with kindness and their creativity flourishes.