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This post includes ideas on Reading & Writing Materials for Kids. Learning to read and writing is a big milestone in a child’s development. As a parent and educator, the process of this learning is fascinating to watch as a child absorbs and makes steps towards independent reading & writing.

Montessori has a unique approach to language. Probably most prominent is the fact that language permeates every topic area from Practical Life to Math to Life Sciences.
Reading & Writing Materials for Kids
Nomenclature cards are woven throughout all these learning areas and serve a purpose: language development. Additionally, works are set up to move left to right, the direction from which most children read. I wrote this post on the philosophical approach Montessori takes with language development.
I quickly became fascinated with the idea that with movement – moving a letter to form a word or the tactile experience of the sandpaper letters – combined with the senses, letters, words and objects develops language in the most effective way.

Montessori’s Moveable Alphabet is brilliant. The material combines hand movement with letter and word learning, preparing a child for reading and writing simultaneously. I think next to the simplicity of the Three Period Lesson, this work might just be my favorite.

The Metal Insets are used for writing preparation. A child traces with his finger and a pencil, learning how to hold and feel the 3 finger grip.

“Watching a child makes it obvious that the development of his mind comes through his movements.” ~ Dr. Maria Montessori
Sandpaper letters engage a child’s senses. Like the Moveable Alphabet, the material combines finger and hand movement with letter learning. He traces the letter and it becomes ingrained in his mind.

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