I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again! MATH IS FUN!! Yes, fun. :) Many of you have probably had the opposite experience…that math isn’t fun…but I’m telling you it is really awesome to love math! Imagine that? Cool math for kids? Yup, it can really happen.
If you’re skeptical I understand because I’ve been there too. Check out this list of cool math games and you will see just how thrilling math can really be!
You can teach your kids that math is fun too! Implementing engaging math games and activities that encourage learning are the best ways you can teach that education is fun. Especially math :)
Cool Math Games for Kids

True Aim Math Game
This is a great playground math game that would be perfect for any education setting. It is an engaging way to break up the day! You can tailor this game to any skill level or age. It can range from number recognition to multiplication.
Sidewalk Chalk Outdoor Math Game
I’m a big proponent of taking learning outside whenever possible! Everything seems to sink in and promote memory and recognition. This is a great playground math game, especially for those wiggly kids. :) Think of it as a cross between hopscotch and a board game. It is also another one that you can tailor to any age!
Montessori Money Games
Kids are so curious about money! It is one more aspect of math that is important for them to learn. This Montessori money pack teaches how to count money, the value of money, and what it all means. Add in some chore charts and your kids will be on their way to making money and counting it on their own. :)
Honey Maid Go-Bites Math Game
There is a lot of opportunity in the way you could play this game! Instead of graham crackers, you could use beads, legos, rocks, leaves, or anything else you have available! I love the math card! It is simple and perfectly set up to allow for learning math in a variety of ways.
Trampoline Time Telling
Even over the summer you can be working on those learning skills and play fun math games! I guarantee this one will be a hit! The trampoline can be a place for hours of play. This active time telling math game will be a fun way to change up your daily routine.
The Missing Symbol
This game is an awesome one for those quiet rainy days or a peaceful morning math session! Download the game board and then you will find multiple variations of the game for different skill levels! With wild cards and being sent to jail, it is a super game for kids!
Weed the Garden Math Activity
This preschool math game is so simple and cute! I can imagine the little ones getting really into this imaginative gardening math game! You could make it even more fun by adding different types of flower tops to each stick! I love how math games have so much variability for skill levels! This is another one where you could continue to add levels of difficulty.
Pool Noodle Base Ten
In between jumps in the pool your kids can practice counting or practice math in the pool! This is a larger than life, fun math game that will be loved by your preschoolers! Your base 10 pool noodle set can be used for counting, addition, subtraction, and division!
Lego Fraction
My boys love legos! They are always creating something new with them! This lego fraction game is a fun math game for your classroom or as a homework helper. Legos happen to be the perfect free math tool since most kids have them on hand! See what else you can do with them!
Lu Lu Dice
Lu Lu Dice is a traditional Hawaiian game of chance that has a little math snuck in as well! It is a fun math game that makes a great boredom buster! Next time your kids say they are bored bring out this game and see what they think!
Post It Math
Easy and fun math games are my favorite kind of activites! This is a great preschool or elementary math game! It is very simple, but this new setup for solving math problems is a great way to get kids thinking about it in a different way. This easy math game promotes critical thinking rather than memorization.
More Math Games for Kids:
- 5 Fun and Easy Early Math Games that Won’t Put Preschoolers to Sleep
- 80 + Easy & Engaging Every Day Montessori Math Extensions
- How Montessori Teaches Math- Ten Board Lesson