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Montessori October Activities for Preschoolers 


October offers many exciting topics to explore, such as autumn, Halloween, harvest, and more. It’s that time of the year when Mother Nature paints her canvas with vibrant colors, and we can’t wait to let our preschoolers dive into the magic of autumn.

Montessori October activities provide the perfect opportunity to instill a love for nature, ignite their creativity, and nurture their curiosity. Below are our favorite October activities.

Montessori October Activities for Preschoolers 

October Sensory Activities

Preschoolers thrive on sensory experiences, and October offers a bountiful harvest of opportunities to engage their senses. These hands-on Montessori October activities for preschoolers will spark joy, cultivate their senses, and deepen their connection with the autumnal wonders.

Leaf Exploration

Let’s gather our little adventurers for an unforgettable leaf pile expedition! As they crunch through the foliage, encourage them to collect leaves of different shapes, sizes, and colors.

Fall Nature Walk

Take your child on a nature walk to observe the changes happening in nature during autumn. Collect fallen leaves, acorns, and other natural materials to use in crafts and activities. One of our favorite walks to the listening walk! Give it a try!

Apple Tasting

Ready to tantalize those taste buds? It’s time for an apple cider sip-a-thon! Let’s set up a mini apple cider station, complete with sliced apples and cinnamon sticks.

Our curious kiddos can taste, touch, smell, and even listen (to the crunch!) as they enjoy their fresh apple cider. This sensory experience promotes exploration, language development, and fine motor skills as they grasp those tiny apple slices.

Pumpkin Spice or Apple Playdough

We’re cookin’ up some sensory magic with pumpkin spice playdough! Whip up a batch of this aromatic playdough, and watch the kiddos have a ball.

They can mold pumpkins, leaves, and all things autumn, developing their creativity and fine motor skills. Plus, the cozy aroma of pumpkin spice will make this sensory play truly unforgettable! Learn more about apple play dough in this post.

Sensory Play

Set up a sensory bin filled with dried corn kernels, colorful leaves, and small pumpkins or gourds. Provide scoops, spoons, and containers for your child to explore and manipulate the materials.

Math Activities

Leaf Sorting

Have your child sort leaves by color, shape, or size. You can create a simple sorting mat with different categories and encourage them to match the leaves accordingly.

apple counters

Leaf Counters

This leaf activity is a variation of Montessori’s classic math cards & counters lesson. Simply replace the general counters with leaves – fake or real. Kids love it! I love this leaf punching – great for fine motor skills – math counter activity!

Counting Spiders

Create a simple math activity by drawing or printing spider outlines and numbering them. Your child can practice counting and matching the corresponding number of plastic spiders to each spider outline.

Acorn Counting

Such a simple shelf work. Fill a small to medium-sized basket with acorns and place a manual counter in the basket for the kids to use. Kids love to use the manual counter!

Science Activities

Pumpkin Exploration

Introduce your child to the world of pumpkins. Read books about pumpkins, visit a pumpkin patch, and let your child explore pumpkins of different sizes, shapes, and textures. You can even carve or decorate a pumpkin together.

Leaf Close-Ups

Back in the classroom or at home, provide magnifying glasses and let them closely observe the intricate veins of each leaf. Through this activity, kids not only learn about the diversity of leaves but also develop fine motor skills and a sense of wonder for the world around them.

Pumpkin Life Cycle Craft

Dive into learning about the pumpkin life cycle with this fun craft. I learned this pumpkin craft in Montessori training as part of our Botany unit.

life cycle of a pumpkin activity

Rubber Band Pumpkin Explosion

It’s a fun and engaging experiment that demonstrates the power of potential energy stored in rubber bands and how it can create an explosive force when released.

Shadow Tracing

Shadows are a fantastic learning topic for kids. On a sunny day, take your child outside to trace their shadow on the ground using sidewalk chalk. The shadow activity for kids is simple and teaches kids about the science of light. Talk about how shadows change throughout the day and the role of the sun in creating shadows.

A spider in it's web

Spider Webs

Teach your child about spiders and their webs. Use white yarn or string to create a spider web on a hoop or between furniture. Show your child how spiders catch insects in their webs and discuss their role in nature. Check out these spider activities for kids!

Scarecrow Craft

Help your child make a scarecrow craft using construction paper, glue, and craft materials like straw, yarn, and buttons. Discuss the purpose of scarecrows and their role in protecting crops.

Practical Life Activities

Apple Cutting, Peeling, Slicing, & Coring

October is also a great time to learn about apples! Conduct apple-themed activities such as apple tasting, coring apples, and making homemade applesauce.

Montessori apple crafts

Carve Pumpkins

Take our young learners to a local pumpkin patch and let them choose their pumpkins. Back at the learning space, hand them some child-safe carving tools, and let their imagination run wild!

This hands-on activity promotes creativity, problem-solving, and coordination. Plus, we’ll end up with adorable, wacky, and spooky pumpkin creations, making the October atmosphere even more festive!

sewing pumpkin activity for kids

Pumpkin Sewing

Sewing is a wonderful early learning activity for children. We used felt, yarn, and cotton balls to sew a pumpkin. The great part about this activity is that you can adjust it to the age of the child with the type of needle, the type of thread, and how much the child owns the process.

golfteepounding e

Pumpkin Pounding

Pumpkin golf tee pounding is a fun and festive fall activity that combines elements of golf and a hammering game. It is a great way to engage kids in outdoor play and develop their hand-eye coordination and motor skills.

October Language Activities


What’s a cozy October without some enchanting tales and wondrous rhymes, right? Our little ones adore stories, and this month is just brimming with magical narratives.

Let’s weave a spellbinding experience for them through captivating storytelling and delightful rhymes that celebrate the spirit of October.

Children’s Books about Pumpkins

Pumpkin Jack” by Will Hubbell
This book follows the journey of a boy named Tim and his pumpkin, Jack. After Halloween, Tim decides to place Jack in the garden, and they watch the pumpkin change throughout the seasons.

It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse!” by Laura Numeroff, Felicia Bond (Illustrator)
In this adorable board book, Mouse decorates pumpkins with his friends for Pumpkin Day. It’s a charming and simple story perfect for young readers.

The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin” by Joe Troiano, Susan Banta (Illustrator)
Spookley is a square pumpkin who feels different from the others. This heartwarming story teaches children about acceptance, diversity, and the value of being unique.

From Seed to Pumpkin” by Wendy Pfeffer, James Graham Hale (Illustrator)
This educational book takes young readers on a journey from seed to pumpkin, explaining the growth process and the various stages of a pumpkin’s life cycle.

Too Many Pumpkins” by Linda White, Megan Lloyd (Illustrator)
In this delightful story, Rebecca Estelle tries to avoid pumpkins at all costs due to a past pumpkin-related mishap. But one day, her yard becomes filled with pumpkins, leading to a surprising and heartwarming turn of events.

These books are not only entertaining but also offer educational aspects, making them the perfect choices for your preschooler’s October-themed unit. Enjoy the reading adventures with your little one!

October Geography Activities

Learn about the Harvest Moon

When the moon rises, the magic awakens! Gather the children under a cozy blanket, and let’s regale them with legends of the Harvest Moon.

From tales of celestial adventures to mythical creatures, these stories will ignite their imagination and curiosity about the moon’s role in the harvest season.

After the storytelling, engage them in creating their own moon-inspired artwork using watercolors and glitter.

Costume Parade

Organize a costume parade at home, allowing your child to dress up in a costume of their choice. Encourage them to describe their character or discuss their favorite things about Halloween.

apple printing

October Themed Art Activities

Apple Prints

Creating apple prints is a fun and creative activity that kids and adults can enjoy. Apple prints are made by cutting an apple in half and using it as a stamp to create unique patterns and designs on paper or fabric.

Leaf Printing

All you need are various fall leaves, acrylic paint in autumn colors, paintbrushes, and paper.

Collect a variety of fall leaves with interesting shapes and textures. Dip the leaves in acrylic paint and use them as stamps to create leaf prints on the paper.

leaves kleas

Or place the leaves on paper and paint over the leaves. Experiment with different colors and overlapping prints to make a beautiful fall-inspired artwork.

Candy Corn Art

Start by drawing a candy corn shape (triangular) on white paper. Using yellow, orange, and white paint, have the kids paint the candy corn in sections.

Once the paint dries, they can add details with markers, like eyes, smiles, and fun patterns, to turn the candy corn into cute characters or spooky faces.

These activities are sure to make this autumn an unforgettable journey of learning, laughter, and enchantment. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or homeschooler, these hands-on, sensory-filled, and story-driven activities will nurture your little ones’ curiosity and celebrate the wonders of October.

Embrace nature’s colors, indulge in enchanting tales, and revel in sensory delights as we navigate this magical season together. Happy October, everyone!

Remember to follow your child’s interests and adapt the activities to their age and abilities. Enjoy the October-themed unit and have fun exploring together!

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